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Founded in 1804, Matsushita Jozo Co. is some of Kuma Shochu's iconic brands’ ( Saikogura and Sakura no Sato) originator. Located in Mizukami village, near Kuma River source, one of the three fastest-flowing rivers in Japan, it has been making shochu for over 200 years and is the oldest distillery among Kuma Shochu guilds.
This shochu is vacuum distilled to produce light, subtle...
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Founded in 1804, Matsushita Jozo Co. is some of Kuma Shochu's iconic brands’ ( Saikogura and Sakura no Sato) originator. Located in Mizukami village, near Kuma River source, one of the three fastest-flowing rivers in Japan, it has been making shochu for over 200 years and is the oldest distillery among Kuma Shochu guilds.
This shochu is vacuum distilled to produce light, subtle...
In Stock