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Add to my wishlist "Manzairaku Kaga Umeshu"
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(2 reviews)
Add to my wishlist "Manzairaku Kaga Umeshu"
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Umeshu is a traditional Japanese alcoholic drink made from Japanese plums called "ume" and distilled alcohol. Ume are macerated for several months, creating a sweet and fruity drink. Plums are picked by hand, underripe to keep the freshness of the fruit. They are then transported to the Kura (Japanese for brewery) to be...
(2 reviews)
Add to my wishlist "Manzairaku Kaga Umeshu"
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Umeshu is a traditional Japanese alcoholic drink made from Japanese plums called "ume" and distilled alcohol. Ume are macerated for several months, creating a sweet and fruity drink. Plums are picked by hand, underripe to keep the freshness of the fruit. They are then transported to the Kura (Japanese for brewery) to be...
(2 reviews)